Transcript: ExtraMedium
August 9, 2007, 11:11 pm
Filed under: architectural resources, architecture group, architecture island

Find the transcript of today’s meeting HERE.

Much better turnout, excellent conversation.  As usual, we were meandering, but always inspiring and interesting.  We started with scale, and ended with scale – and arrived at some interesting conclusions.

The most interesting result was that most of us agreed on the need for 1.) A standard standard and universal scale that translates real life architecture into SL better than the current meter.  2.)  A new ‘Architecture SL UI’ client-side user interface with more architect-friendly camera locations, Field of View toggle, etc.

We agreed that perhaps we should co-create a proposal – using a public Wiki, to define what it is that we would like to see out of a new architect-friendly user interface.   We could then use this proposal to try to win funding or research grants.

Does anyone have experience setting up a public Wiki that would be willing to organize this for us?  Any other thoughts or ideas we should explore here?

Weekly Architecture Meeting Thursday at 2:00 PM SL-time (PDT)
August 6, 2007, 3:38 pm
Filed under: architecture group, architecture island

This week, we’ll be trying out a meeting at 2:00 PM SL-time (PDT) on Architecture Island (last week’s 6:00pm time wasn’t very popular). I’m in the process of verifying a guest presentation, and will provide more details as soon as I know more.

Hope to see you there!