The Porchdog is Wired
July 14, 2007, 6:25 pm
Filed under: architecture, architecture for humanity, cameron sinclair, clear ink

The Porchdog project (link) we built on Architecture Island for Cameron Sinclair’s debut appearance in Second Life just showed up in Wired (link to article). Original machinima HERE.

“So far, the Porchdog house is the only one that has been replicated — at least digitally. Clear Ink, a digital marketing company, found the Porchdog design on OAN, and asked Blackwell if they could create a 3D rendering of the plans in the online community Second Life. The result provides a sense of the finished home’s scale and gives exposure to the project. Clear Ink also set up a virtual donation center to allow Second Life users to support the project; the money is real, even if the house isn’t.”

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It is cool Second Life project.

Comment by Felipe galvez de la Puente

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